APLS (Central Scotland)
Welcome to the Central Scotland course centre for Advanced Paediatric Life Support (APLS) training.
The APLS course is a 3 day training event, with 2 components to it:
- 1 Day of on-line learning using the ‘Virtual Learning Environment’ (VLE) on the ALSG website.
- 2 Days of practical, hands-on training with Skill Stations, Workshops and Scenarios delivered by expert instructors on a face-to-face (F2F) basis.
Please also note:
- You apply for both VLE and F2F components together if you wish to do a full APLS course.
- You MUST complete the VLE before you attend the F2F component of the course, so book early and remember that you need at least 10 hours to complete the VLE.
If you have already completed a course and after 4 years want to recertify, you have two choices:
- Undertake the full 3 day provider course again (1 day VLE + 2 days F2F training).
- Undertake the shortened 2 day recertification course (1 day VLE + 1 day F2F).
Login to the Course
If you have already registered with us AND have been successfully allocated a space on one of our courses, please login here.
Register for the Course
If you have not yet registered with us and are interested in attending one of our courses, please use the flowchart below and click on the most appropriate green box:
